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Lean Operation Elements

Thornley Group Lean Tools and techniques training is carried out by professional trainers who are experienced as senior management practitioners in both Six-Sigma and Lean Operations. These courses provide detailed training in the use of Lean Tools and Techniques and enable suitable candidates to carry our lean improvement activities. The training is for individuals who will be working on lean improvement projects. The individual modules are designed to allow the filling of training gaps or as part of a programme of acquiring the whole set of tools. The individual courses are taken from sections of the Lean Tools and Techniques course.

Note: Although the tools and techniques decribed in these courses are valuable in their own right, there is some interdependence between them. The full value of the lean tool-kit can only be realised when they are combined.

Single Piece Flow - Course Code TGL007

Use of value stream mapping, process design and layout to reduce inventory, improve lead times and higher value added ratios.

5S and Workplace Organisation - Course Code TGL008

Eliminating unnecessary waste by following the processes of Sort, Simplify, Shine, Standardise and Sustain. Reduction of the seven wastes and organising processes effectively and visually in a sustainable standardised manner.

SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) - Course Code TGL009

Increased flexibility and ability to meet changes in customer demand. Reduction in process setup and changeover times through the design and redesign of tools, machines and data management systems. This can be applied to service as well as manufacturing processes.

Kanban (A signal based pull system) - Course Code TGL010

Using Kanban card systems to pull materials, products or services through a process eliminates overproduction and reduces unwanted inventory. Faster product changeovers are possible and response to change in customer demand is optimised.

TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) - Course Code TGL011

Ensuring process and supporting equipment is avalailable 100% of planned time. Use of statistical techniques and process monitoring to evaluate and standardise maintenance and tool change programmes as well as routine preventive maintenance.

Poka Yoke (Mistake Proofing) - Course Code TGL012

Stopping errors in a process from becoming defects detected by subsequent processes or customers. Reduces the cost of rework and scrap by early detection and protects the customer from poor quality. Use of contact, counting and motion-sequence methods in generating zero defect quality.

Process Improvement - Course Code TGL013

To increase the effectiveness of lean operations, process improvement skills are required that will reduce waste and improve the effectiveness of existing and planned processes. Based on our Six-Sigma training elements, the DMAIC process improvement cycle covers all the steps and tools needed to be effective in improving processes. The 7 quality tools form the basis of the course with detailed process flow charting, data collection, data analysis and investigation of causes of variation.

Course Durations

Single Piece Flow, 5S, SMED, Kanban, TPM, Poka Yoke

  • 1/2 day to 2 days each depending upon requirements

Process Improvement

  • 2 days

Entry Requirements

  • Candidates must have a basic knowledge of algebra and be used to working with numerical data.

Equipment Needed by Candidates

  • Scientific Calculator

Course Contents

Our Lean Tools and Techniques training is aimed at people who will work on improvement projects. The entire lean tool-kit is provided which, if used, will allow step changes in process performance, customer satisfaction and operating costs.



Thornley Group Reserves the right to cancel or postpone courses due to lack of attendance or circumstances beyond our control.
©2007 Thornley Group Ltd